Leister 199.304 TRIAC ST & AT Flooring Install & Repair Kits (199.304.ST, 199.304.AT)
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Click Here to visit our Datasheet Server (TDS, SDS, Fact Sheets, Selector Guides, etc)Two Kit options, same Leister TRIAC reliability for professional Flooring installation performance. These two kit options include the same acessories, except the ST includes a TRIAC ST (manual/analog) and the AT includes a TRIAC AT (digital)
Kit 1: 199.304.ST - TRIAC ST Flooring Kit
(manual/analog controls for heat and air flow, the traditional workhorse)
TRIAC ST 120V (Tool Case Incl.) – Article Number: 141.228
Kit 2: 199.304.AT - TRIAC AT Flooring Kit
(digital controls for heat and air flow, more precision operation)
TRIAC AT 120V (Tool Case Incl.) – Article Number: 141.316
And both kits include these accessories:
5mm Tubular Nozzle – Article Number: 100.303
4mm Speed Welding Nozzle (Round - Narrow Slide) - Article Number: 105.432
GROOVY (hand grooving tool) - Article Number: 150.809
Trimming knife w/ 5 spare blades - Article Number: 117.000
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