Adhesive Facts & Measures

This page contains often-used facts & measurements that are useful and related to the application of industrial adhesives:

And Note:If you don't see a measure you're looking for, send us a question and we'll look it up and let u know.

Recommended Mixing Nozzle Sizes by Adhesive Type and Viscosity

Adhesive Type                Number of Mixing Elements Needed to Properly Mix
Acrylic                               8 - 10 Elements      (This includes MMA's or Methyl Methacrylates)
Epoxy                               15 - 24 Elements
Polysulfide                        24 - 32 Elements
Polyurethane Foam         10 - 24 Elements
Silicone                            20 - 30 Elements
Urethane                          24  -36 Elements

Recommended Mixing Nozzle Diameter by Material Viscosity

Material Viscosity                                                               Mixing Element Inner Diameter Range

 Thin < 5,000cps                  (Thinner than Honey)                  2.4 - 6.4mm   (0.093 - 0.25 in)

 Medium 5,000 - 50,000cps  (Between Honey & Ketchup)         5.4 - 8.0mm   (0.212 - 0.314 in)

Thick & Gel> 50,000cps     (Thicker than Ketchup)                  > 9.3mm   (0.366 in)


Linear Coverage of cartridges and kits:

Linear length coverage for various adhesive volumes:  Generally speaking, (using a typical mixing nozzle with a standard 2mm outlet opening) you can expect these volume-to-length ratios:

  • Per 1-ml of adhesive:  1.92-inches of linear length from a 1/8-inch wide bead (or 3.84-inches of linear length from a 1/16-inch wide bead)

... and translated to standard cartridge sizes:

25mL cartridge (1/8-inch bead): About 4 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 6-8 Feet
50mL cartridge (1/8-inch bead): About 8 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 12-16 Feet
200mL cartridge (1/8-inch bead): About 32 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 48-64 Feet
400mL cartridge (1/8-inch bead): About 64 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 96-128 Feet 
600mL cartridge (1/8-inch bead): About 96 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 144-192 Feet
1500mL cartridge (1/8-inch bead): About 240 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 360-480 Feet
Quart Kit (1/8-inch bead): About 150 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 225-300 Feet 
Gallon Kit (1/8-inch wide bead): About 600 Linear Feet, (1/16-inch bead): 900-1200 Feet

Surface Area Coverage of cartridges and kits:

Surface Area coverage for various adhesive volumes, in sq feet, sq inches, sq meters, and sq centimeters:  Generally speaking, (using a typical mixing nozzle with a standard 2mm outlet opening) you can expect these volume-to-surface area coverage measurements:

  • Per 1-ml of adhesive at 1/8-inch wide bead:  approximately 1/2-inch of surface area coverage
  • Per 1-ml of adhesive at 1/16-inch wide bead:  approximately 1-inch of surface area coverage
  • Per 1-ml of adhesive at 1/32-inch wide bead:  approximately 2-inch of surface area coverage

... and translated to standard cartridge sizes:


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